Academic & Professional Studies Abroad (APSA)

The advantage of an MBA degree goes hand in hand with the first one and it is actually the cause of the first one. Graduates of an MBA programme have, due to their qualification, higher chances of obtaining and holding a high level management position.

It is estimated that 70% of the MBA graduates worldwide are senior managers or board directors. This type of position brings along a higher salary but of course also a higher responsibility and longer working hours. Whether you wish to further your current career by advancing in a leadership position, or you want to pursue a new career, an MBA is definitely going to boost your chances of achieving these goals.

It is believed That Top mba universities are in Singapore, USA, CANADA , UK.

Few Top MBA universities in UK are UCL, Birmingham university, Manchester university and others.

Few good Universities in USA are brown university, Columbia university , Cornell university & others

Few top MBA universities in Singapore are NTU, NUS, James cook university, Singapore, PSB academy.

Few top MBA university in Australia are university of Sydney, university of Melbourne, university of New South Wales, monash university, ANU, university of Adelaide.

Few top MBA universities in Newzealand are university of Auckland, otago university, Massey university, AUT.

Few top MBA universities in Canada are Toronto University, UBC, Simon Fraser University and others.

Few top MBA universities in USA arre universities that comes under iveay league.It is beleived to have best mba courses in USA

Few top MBA universities in canada are toronto university and others.

Prefered Universities